Kenial e.V.

Ms Joh is an enthusiastic climber. One of her trips in 2015 will take her to Kenya. There she wants to climb the mountains and give something back to the local children. The question is: “How can I be climbing here in my high-tech sports jacket and the kids down there don’t even have shoes?” From this moment the idea emerges that athletes, sportsmen and travelers can commit themselves to improving the situation of local children.

Nico and his dive into Corsica

Actually Sweden was the first planned destination with our converted Land Rover Dirscovery 3, but unfortunately or luckily we met a breeder for French Water Dogs (Barbet) from Switzerland shortly before our departure. Since we have been thinking about adding such a small curly friend to our herd for almost two years, it was clear that we would have to pay Switzerland a visit. Now the way from Central Germany via Switzerland to Sweden is a not to be neglected detour of about 1200 km. So we changed our plans at short notice and drove south via Switzerland to Corsica.

Martin Spitzbart is Unstoppable

Age 25. The age when you think you have the strength to do anything, can uproot trees, shakeup storms and feel kind of invincible. But one Moment later I had to start from the beginning with my left arm being completely paralyzed. Also neuropathic pain became my new, uninvited companion.

Franziska Hösel and her 100 km run

So it finally happened … I’ve been bothering my surroundings for the last 3 years. “I really want to run this one of the world’s hardest ultramarathon of 100 km in Biel.

Thomas Meixner on the Silk-Road

We are visiting Thomas Meixner.
The Worlds cyclist from Central Germany.

Since 1998 he rides his bicycle. Whether Asia, Africa, America, Europe or Australia – he has travelled almost all continents by bike. Hardly surprising that “Else”, the bicycle of his first tours around the globe, is not in the cellar, but hangs in the living room.

Blade Ventures

Two men, four inline skates, six months and 7000 kilometres

This is the plan of Marian and Santiago from Halle (Saale). They want to travel through South America … on skates … in this way an unprecedented project.