Mulde: Kayaking Summer

The Mulde is not nearly as well known as the Elbe, Danube, Isar, and co. – How comes? We were on the road on one of the underestimated rivers of Germany: The Mulde. In total, there are five different Mulde rivers (Red Mulde, White Mulde, Zwickauer Mulde, Freiberger Mulde, United Mulde).

Achterwasser: Kayaking Summer

Usedom. With an average of 1906 hours of sunshine per year, the island in the Baltic Sea is quite rightly considered “Germany’s sunshine island”!
After the long winter months, Usedom is, therefore, our first choice to recharge the sun and boost vitamin D production.

Leipzig: Kayaking Summer

City tours are not really ours – at least when it comes to my friend Christian. He is more of the adventurous type. He can not stroll … and being dragged past shopping windows on his long arm … hm … that’s not for me.

But on this sunny Saturday we want to combine action and city feeling in a micro-adventure. How? With a paddle tour in the middle of Leipzig!

Tromsø – Narvik: Kayaking Winter

Every year, the orcas head south off the coast of Norway. They follow the herring swarms along the Gulf Stream up to their spawning areas at the height of Ålesund.
The proximity to the mainland offers the unique opportunity to see the whales in their natural habitat.
… and that ‘s what we want to do – but not with a whale – watching boat, but with our own kayak …

Saale: Kayaking Summer

“What is a canoe pass?”
We paddle towards the track. My heart is racing. Suddenly the boat nose stabs down. As in slow motion, I feel like we’re slowly tipping over the edge. I cling desperately to the paddle. Zack! A monster wave spills over us…

Elbe: Kayaking Summer

The Elbe has its origin in the Czech Republic, near the Polish border. From there it flows in an arc through the Czech Republic and reaches after 356.6 km Saxony. On its way across Germany, the Elbe then passes through Dresden, Magdeburg and Hamburg until it finally flows into the North Sea near Cuxhaven. Overall, the Elbe comes to a total length of about 1,000 km. In the international ranking, the Elbe is thus number fourteen of the longest rivers in Europe. Globally, it is one of the 200 longest rivers in the world.

Danube to the Black Sea: Kayaking Summer

The Danube is the second longest river in Europe with a total length of 2857 kilometres. It rises in the south of Germany and then flows east across Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade to the Black Sea. In total, the Danube flows through ten countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and the Ukraine) – more than any other river on earth! For me a true traveller dream!

Kornati Islands: Kayak Summer

Evenly our paddles dive into the water. Right, Left, Right, Left. Small swirls form in the glassy water. The waves swaying us gently back and forth. I lay the paddle in front of me and pass my hand over the side wall of the kayak.
One week ago, we started from the Croatian Zadar to explore the archipelagos off the coast – a time when a green two-man-kayak became a companion.